
Become the most confident, aligned, magnetic business owner and woman you’re meant to be – The Entrepreneuress building the successful and thriving business of your dreams.

3 months Private 1:1 Business Mindset Coaching

You have created a business from a deep passion and desire to share your gifts, services, talents with the world. Ultimately, you want to make a difference.

To follow your heart, be your own boss, have the freedom and flexibility to do things your way.

But the mindset blocks, the self doubt, overwhelm of having to do it all and the uncertainty that it is all worth it is starting to creep in.

All of which are stopping you from:

  • Being seen and showing up on social media.
  • Making sales and helping your clients and customers.
  • Feeling confident to promote your offers and services, even launch your first program.
  • Trusting yourself, your journey so you can make the impact you KNOW you were meant for.
  • Building a successful and thriving business that enables you to live the life you want.
Anna Hastie Sound Bath Reiki Brome

And even if you feel this way you can STILL have the business you truly desire and dream of

The key is having the right mindset tools and strategies to navigate through blocks, moments of self-doubt, and limiting beliefs that make you feel it’s impossible.

When you shift your mindset, growth and changes in your business start falling into place, just like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

Imagine this:

  • You gain time freedom to be with your loved ones and pursue activities that you love to do.
  • You create healthy boundaries around your time with your clients and customers so that you can get more laser focused on the tasks that need to be done in your work.
  • You feel more creative and inspired to produce new offers, products and less like you are constantly chasing your tail to get menial tasks done.
  • You easily tap into your intuition for the guidance you need in making business decisions and setting directions.
  • You feel more motivated and can easily prioritise tasks or delegate them as needed.
  • You show up with confidence and energy, making a strong impression on your audience, clients, customers, and peers.

Welcome to the Alchemy Mindset 1:1 Coaching Program.

My signature private coaching program leading you to become the

confident, energetically aligned business woman you’re meant to be

so that you can have the successful and thriving business you deeply desire.

Inside this program you will discover

  • How to clear your mindset blocks that are feeding the doubt, overwhelm and uncertainty you currently have.
  • My best tools and resources for supporting your mindset and business.
  • Proven strategies for embodying the business woman and Entrepreneuress that you desire to be.

By the end of our 3 months together you will:

  • Boosted Confidence and Direction: Feel more confident in the direction of your business and within yourself, excited to share your knowledge and gifts.
  • Enhanced Motivation and Productivity: Have more motivation and drive to get your tasks done, with healthy and supportive boundaries in place.
  • Positive Mindset and Belief Shifts: Shift blocks and limiting beliefs, resulting in a more positive mindset and outlook, with new tools and resources to support your ongoing mindset work.
  • Inner Wisdom and Intuition: Be more connected to your inner wisdom and knowledge, trusting your inner compass to guide your decisions and direction.
  • Empowered and Abundant: Feel more empowered and abundant in your business, with greater awareness of your mindset, language, and energy, knowing how to transform any further blocks or belief patterns that arise.

Now that sound so exciting!

This entire 3 month program includes:

  • 1 x 60mins Introductory Session to gain clear picture of your business, your goals, desires, dreams, worries, fears and where you currently are in your business.
  • 6 x 90 mins fortnightly coaching sessions. In these sessions I’ll take you through the Alchemy Mindset Transformation Method to help you clear your energy, make the mindset shifts so that you can become the incredible business owner you wish to embody.
  • Ongoing support in What’s App between coaching calls during M-F
  • Mindset Resources. You’ll receive meditations, journal prompts, sound baths,  and other resources to support your mindset shifts and help you process what we discuss.
  • Personal Subliminal Meditation & Hypnosis. Tailored specifically to you and your business goals, integral to  your mindset shifts.
  • Bonus:  Receive 1 x 60 minute personal Sound Bath in addition to our coaching sessions.

Your investment:

Payment Options:

  • Pay in Full $3700
  • 3 x monthly installments of $1234.00
  • 6 x fortnightly installments of $617.00
  • All prices are in AUD and include GST

Coaching T&C’s

Hello! I’m Anna Hastie

AnnaHastie Mindset Coach

I empower women in business through self development and mindset work to build the successful and thriving business of their dreams.

Before I became a Business Mindset Coach and Sound Healer, I worked as a massage therapist and energy healer. I started my own business, Creating Balance Natural Therapies, driven by a strong desire to do things my way, have more flexibility and freedom in my working week and to create a well know, successful, thriving business.

Here’s the thing, I understand where you are right now because I’ve been there too.

Initially, the growth was slow, and I encountered numerous mindset challenges.

  • I dealt with worries, doubts, overwhelm, and fear of failure.
  • I struggled with self-confidence and motivation, constantly comparing myself to others and feeling unsupported and lost.
  • I fell into the trap of comparison-itis, believing that my skills as a therapist were insufficient and holding back my business.
However, I soon realised that it was my mindset that was the true obstacle.

With this realisation, I immersed myself in energy work, mindset training, and personal growth. I started listening to my intuition, sought the guidance of a coach, and continuously invested in my inner development.

That’s when everything began to skyrocket.
  • I quickly became fully booked with a waitlist
  • I received plenty of referrals from satisfied, dream clients
  • I gained financial stability, allowing me to invest in my professional development and enjoy well-deserved holidays.
  • My income surpassed previous levels and I was earning more than I had ever before!
  • I upgraded my equipment
  • Most importantly, I had the freedom to work the hours I desired and live the life of my dreams, while still serving my clients.
The REAL truth I’ve learned: a poor mindset cannot be overcome with strategies alone.

You may have all the social media followers, marketing tips, and selling techniques, but without a supportive mindset, reaching your goals, connecting with dream clients, and achieving success can be challenging.

This is why it’s my mission to support you to master your mindset so you can create and build the successful and thriving business you deeply desire.

The Alchemy Mindset 1:1 coaching program has been created specifically to help you make these mindset shifts.

Everything is tailored to you. Your needs, your goals, your mindset, your energy, YOU!

This is not a cookie cutter one size fits all kind of program.

You get the tools and strategies YOU need to work on your mindset daily AND I am also here to help you whenever you need extra support in between our main sessions. Because things WILL come up as you shift and move from the old and into the new.

The Alchemy Mindset 1:1 coaching program gives you everything you need to become the most confident, aligned, magnetic business owner and woman you’re meant to be.

Anna has a very calm and healing manner and provides both modern day and spiritual coaching methods that allow you to explore and move through blocks and issues that are getting in the way. Being a spiritual person, I loved how the methods combine to bring about practical yet spiritual changes from within. Thank you Anna, I look forward to the next session.   


It was a new and great experience for me. I didn’t even know there were people like Anna who could help with our business mindset, energy and embodiment to create a thriving business.

Keiko – Health Coaching with Cakes

Anna is also an amazing business mindset coach and I’ve experienced coaching with her during a business workshop. She is extremely knowledgeable and has great techniques to work on your mindset around various topics. She is the most amazing, supportive and encouraging biz mindset coach you can wish for.

Carina – Radiant Hair Creations

  • This is for you if you are:
  • Ready to do the mindset and inner development work.
  • Feeling the call to identify and make the changes to achieve the success
  • Wants to create a business mindset that compliments and supports your goals and the business owner you desire to be.
  • Determined and committed to continue working on yourself and your business, no matter what.
  • Ready to be supported by a coach who has been where they are now and to be held accountable.
  • Ready to trust your inner guidance and create new routines and processes that are in alignment to you.
  • This is probably not for you if:
  • You are looking for a quick fix or secret formula without any effort on your part.
  • Feeling the call to identify and make the changes to achieve the success
  • You cannot create time to do the homework or tasks after our sessions
  • You are unwilling to be honest and open with yourself.

  • You are not willing to look at and release the old beliefs, behaviours or patterns that are currently showing up.
  • Ready to trust your inner guidance and create new routines and processes that are in alignment to you.

While this 3-month private coaching program is completely customised to your needs and goals – the core is based on the Alchemy Mindset Transformation Method: Energy, Mindset & Embodiment.

We begin by looking at the Energetics of yourself and your business. What you need to shift energetically within yourself and your business?

We get clear on your big picture vision and goals and reunite yourself with your own innate inner wisdom and guidance.

Mindset is the heavy lifting where we shift the limiting beliefs, blocks, behaviours and patterns that are holding you back.  These blocks can be in the deeper layers of your subconscious mind and need to be 

Embodiment focuses on who is the incredible business woman you know you can be and how to embody that version of yourself.  Who is the future you, who has already built and now running her dream business.  What boundaries and support networks do you need to create to get you there?

You are worthy and deserving of your success and the life you dream of having.

It is time to share your gifts and magic with the world.

Let go and shift those old patterns, emotions and beliefs that are holding you back.

Now is your time to step up and into who you truly are. The empowered, abundant, and confident Entrepreneuress that you are.

Anna Hastie Mindset Coach

IF THIS IS A FULL BODY YES! Hit the button below and let’s get started.

To get started: 

If you are ready to build the 6 figure business of your dreams and overcome the mindset blocks, click the link and complete the form.

Tell me all about you, your business and what your vision for yourself and your business.

I’ll then review your form to make sure this program is a great fit for you and reply via email and/or a DM on Instagram within 24hours.

You will then receive a payment link, your contract to complete and we can then get started!

From there you’ll receive a welcome email with all the information for booking your first 60 mins call and how to start chatting on What’s App.

I can’t wait to support you on your mindset journey and witness the transformation.

See you soon,

Anna xx

Still got some questions and want to know if this program is the right fit for you?

Let’s talk over a FREE no obligation Clarity Call.

Book your time and I look forward to speaking to you soon.

Past Clients

Anna is such a warm, kind and friendly soul and such a joy to work with! It’s clear she deeply cares for others and is truly invested in her clients. Anna worked with me on several NLP techniques which helped me to rediscover my motivation and breathe so much life and excitement into my goals. Her strong intuition allowed her to really connect with me and made me feel so supported.  Kristin Richards – Girlboss Designer

Anna gave me mega motivation and belief in myself, and helped make so much magic happen and flow into my business.

My biggest accomplishment during our time together was developing confidence and belief in myself and feeling worthy to pursue my dreams.

I have made business cards, flyers, re-vamped my website, promoted myself more, increased the rate which I charge, sold several paintings, had a number of commissions requested, had other jobs come through and put myself in a confident position to promote my mural work.

Anna is positive, encouraging, wise, insightful, a breath of fresh air and a shining light.

I love what she offers and all of her beautiful complementary skills and services.

It’s everything I could have hoped for and so much more.

Leah Rakabundel – Leah Rakabundel Art

As I move forward in this business and step into the grander vision I have for it, shifting crucial mindset blocks was a life-altering accomplishment. Being able to see my mindset change in such a short period of time, most of the time in just over an hour, was insanely powerful, and speaks so much to how highly valuable your program is.

I was given a safe space to genuinely consider and reflect on what the word ‘business’/‘business owner’ means to me and what I actually want it to mean going forward – it’s really changed my outlook on that/the business overall – giving it a lot more heart, and connection in a personal and divine way.

What I’ve benefited from the most was Anna’s support and full acceptance of what I wanted to do and where I wanted to take each session. I loved that it was personalised and very open to whatever it was I was feeling in that particular moment – and that Anna had the skills to actually work with whatever came up in the moment. 

I would also describe Anna as a coach who is spiritually quoted, very open-minded, open-hearted and intuitive. She saw me in my fullness, and beyond this human life which was very validating.

Tahnee Carter TEMPL

Anna has been supporting my business and my money mindset.

Every time I faced a challenge or blockage to get to the next level in my business, she supported me with brilliant knowledge of mindset coaching and various techniques. My favourite is Tapping and Affirmations.

This year, I achieved 10k in a month. Before that, I was struggling with money, and desperate to create my own brand and offerings. I was so afraid to launch programs.  There was always certain fears getting in my way, such as “what if people won’t sign up for my offerings”.

Anna gave me so many resources and told me how to break through the fear. She has helped me get to the next level in my business and success.

I don’t think I could come this far if she wasn’t in my life. Words cannot express how grateful I am for her.

If you want to uplift your life and business, you definitely should talk to Anna.

Ayumi – Xiang8Universe. Sound Healer, Mentor and Spiritual Entrepreneur.