Business Affirmations For Your Mindset
My Favourite Business Mindset Affirmations.
This is a bit of a fun one and it is all about the business mindset affirmations that I use regularly in my business to keep my mindset on track for what I want to achieve.
Basically, affirmations are a really easy way to program your subconscious mind. By saying, reading and seeing affirmations regularly, your subconscious mind believes this thing to be true and therefore works to bring more of that thing into your reality.
You are affirming something and creating the belief that it is true for you. That you have it already, it is here in your present moment. Since being in business I have used affirmations all the time. Here are some of the ones I have used over the years (and still do) and some of my latest ones.- I am enough
- I am deserving and worthy of the success I create
- I trust that all is working out for my highest good
- I have a successful and thriving business
- I always have enough time in my day to get what needs to get done, done
- I am stepping into my greatness
- Posting to social media is fun and easy
- Promoting and selling my services is fun and easy.
- My success is inevitable
- I attract money from expected and unexpected places.
- New, aligned and exciting opportunities are always flowing my way.
TIP for affirmations: Here is my HOT
Type them out and stick them up on the:
- the bathroom mirror
- toilet door
- fridge door
anywhere you will see them regularly.Put them in your phone as a reminder to flash up, daily, weekly or even multiple times a day.
Say them and write them out in your journal daily or multiple times a week.
Say them as you are going to sleep or as you are waking up – your mind is the most programmable at those times.
Record yourself saying them on your phone and then play them quietly as you are going to sleep.Affirmations are one of the many things I share with my clients in my mindset coaching program. I have a nifty piece of software that allows me to record subliminal affirmation meditations that my clients can play whenever they want.Pssstt: Have you got my FREE Subliminal Affirmations for Business Mindset Success? Get it here: