Business Affirmations For Your Mindset
Affirmations are a really easy way to program your subconscious mind. By saying, reading and seeing affirmations regularly, your subconscious mind believes this thing to be true and therefore works to bring more of that thing into your reality.

What Is It Really Like To Work With A Business Mindset Coach.
My favourite part is seeing the shifts and changes. The "Ah Ha" moments within my clients. The differences they feel and how their business moves so easily to the next level.

My Favourite Mindset Techniques
Apart from showing up, being mindful with my language and working with coaches, in this post I talk about some of my favourite mindset techniques that I use with my clients and on myself to overcome mindset struggles.

Mindset Struggles & How I Over Came Them
Everything comes in cycles. Each time there was a period of growth, a new level to achieve or a step to take there was always a mixed bag of emotions around it.
Initially, that excitement and YES feeling is there and strong. Then perhaps some wavering beliefs and doubts come in.
Can I do this, will I be ok, will it work out, will anyone like this or want this?
Then it all gets flipped with YES I can do this and the process continues until the goal is achieved.

From Massage to Mindset
Moving from massage to mindset was a huge step for me. I never…

Blending the Spiritual with Business
If you were to ask me why I love blending the spiritual with…

What is Mindset Coaching?
Henry Ford said,
“Whether you think you can,
or you think…

Subliminal Affirmations: The What & The Why.
Subliminal meditations, or recordings, are affirmations that are recorded and mixed under a piece of music. These affirmations might be themed around something you want to change, create or have in your life. Listen to them while you are working, play in the background while you are making dinner, listen as you are getting ready to bed, or even while you are sleeping

How To Get Creative on Social Media
How to get creative 101.
Get the energy pumping..
Write the ideas down...
Stop re-inventing the wheel...
Ideas you can post beyond your...

Overcoming Social Media Creativity Blocks
If you have ever heard yourself say: “I just don’t know what to post” or “I’ve sat in front of my computer for hours and still haven’t posted anything.” You are not alone. Here are some of the ways social media creativity blocks might show up and how you can work through them.